led banner scroller app icon

  LED Banner Scroller
      from KEUWLSOFT


This page is for an earlier version (version 1.01) of the app. Details of the latest version found here.

Display scrolling messages. Send encouragement, display notices, get peoples attention, and more with this led banner scroller app. Includes an experimental multi screen option for displaying the message over multiple screens.


• Up to 6 lines of text.
• Portrait or Landscape banner.
• Mirror option for when banner is to be viewed through a mirror.
• Left, right, up, down or static scroll options.
• Vary scroll speed.
• Choose text & background colors.
• Alter LED grid size.
• Auto or manual size text.
• Left, center or right text justification options.
• 20 Memory slots to store messages.
• Create messages in any language.
• Multi Screen (uses RECORD_AUDIO permission & might not work on all devices). Uses audio communication to transfer scroll info to nearby devices to create a longer scroll comprising multiple screens. Set one device as the Master, and the others as Minions. Hold the speaker near the microphone of the receiving device(s) for best results.

illustration of app used for multiscreen banners
Illustration of the app multiscreen mirror scrolling

LED Banner Scroller

There is a preview of the scrolling text in the top window. Tapping Start will go full screen with the current message and settings. Tap back to return to the main control screen.

Top left is a cogs button which opens a menu with preferences for sound, vibrate and unit preferences.

The six buttons at the bottom open up settings screens for different aspects of the scroller, as described in the following sections:

Text Message

Up to six lines of text can be scrolled. Tap on the line you wish to edit to bring up the keyboard to enter the text.

Justification - If multiple lines of text are used, then they can be left, center or right justified.

text mode screenshot
Changing Text Message
textsize mode screenshot
Changing Text Size

Size and Color

Selecting Auto Size will cause the text to scale automatically. To scale the text manually, un-check this and use the slider bar below. Tapping on the little A or large A will cause the size to be changed in steps.

Color - Select first whether you want to change the TEXT or BACKGROUND color, Then use the RGB sliders below to adjust the amount of Red, Green and Blue in the color.


Direction - Choose the scrolling direction; leftward, rightwards, upwards, downwards or none.

Orientation - Select either Landscape or Portrait orientation. The preview display will change dimensions to reflect the choice. Once start is pressed, if landscape orientation is selected, then you will need to rotate the device 90 degrees.

Mirror - If the message is to be viewed through a mirror, then mirroring the text can be done with this option to make it appear correct to the viewer.

Wrap - If wrap is off, the text will wait until it is completely off the screen before re-appearing at the start again. If wrap is on, then the next repeat is shown before the previous one has finished.

Speed - The slider can be used to change the speed of the scrolling text. Tapping on the tortoise or hare will decrease or increase the speed in steps.

scroll options
Scroll options

LED Grid

The LED grid effect can be turned on or off on this screen. If the LED grid is on, the slider bar can be dragged to change the size of the LED effect. the grid icons on either side of the slider can also be used to change the size in steps.


Multiscreen allows the text message to be scrolled across multiple screens as if they were one larger screen. Multiscreen uses audio to transfer the data from the master (there is one master) to the minions (up to 23 of them). Make sure the speaker is on and reasonably close to the microphone of the minion(s) to update them. Note that it might not be possible to get the transfer to work in a noisy environment or on some devices.

Multiscreen can be turned on or off on the top line of the multiscreen settings window. The following line allows you to select if the device is a Master or Minion. Depending on the rank chosen, the remainder of the window will be different.

Multiscreen masterscreenshot
Multiscreen Master Screen
Multiscreen minion screenshot
Multiscreen Minion Screen


The Master needs to set the number of screens and their sizes, so that timings are correct for all the minion screens. The number of screens can be edited with the + and - buttons. In the list below tapping on the edit symbol at the right of the lines allows that minions screen size to be edited. The tick box on the left indicates if the minion screen is to be used.

Sync - If this is selected, then the master will send an additional timing signal every sync time (set in preferences - cogs button top left) to keep the minion(s) screens from drifting apart. This is only needed if intending to leave on for long periods of time.

Update Minions - This will initiate the audio data transfer. The top window will change from a preview screen to one showing the transfer progress. Make sure the minions are set up to receive the data.


Screen Number - The minions can be any screen number between 2 and 24, but should correspond to ones set up on the Master device. Screen 1 is reserved for the Master device.

Listen for Updates - The Minion device will only listen in for audio data transfer if this is on and multiscreen is on. Whilst receiving data, a progress bar showing progress will appear in the preview window. If the progress bar doesn't appear, try changing the master device volume and orientation relative to the minion device microphone.

Memory Slots

There are 20 memory slots available to store your messages. Select the slot number, then either overwrite it with the current setup by tapping store, recall it to the current setup, or delete it.

Preference settings

In the top left of the screen, the cogs image brings up another menu with the following preference setting options:

Sound - Toggle button press sound effects on or off.

Vibrate - Toggle button press vibrate effects on or off. Requires vibrate capability on your device.

Units - Preference of cm or inches as the unit for measuring screen sizes.

MultiScreen Sync Time - In Multiscreen mode, the Master can be set to send out synchronisation signals at intervals of the sync time to stop the timing of multiple devices drifting apart.

Screen Size - Alter the screen size (if it was incorrectly set initially). Screen size is used in some calculations of speed, sizing and multiscreen timings.