counter image

      from KEUWLSOFT

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This app is for counting. Tapping on count will increment the count of one of 8 available counters.

There are three modes that can be selected from the icons at the top right of the screen: single counter mode, 4 counter mode, or list counter mode.

single counter mode
Single Counter Mode
4 Counter Mode
4 Counter Mode
List Counter Mode
List Counter Mode

Single Counter Mode

Select which of the 8 counters to use from the small counter images near the top of the screen.

Count - adds one to the counter value.

-1 - decreases the count by one. If already at zero, then it will stay at zero.

Reset - if the counter is greater than zero, then a dialog box will open to allow you to reset the counter back to zero.

Tap on Counter Name - Opens up a dialog so that you can change the counter name.

Long press on number - Copies the counter name and value to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into another application.

4 Counter Mode

4 Counters can be used at the same time. Each counter behaves as in the single counter mode, just being a bit smaller. Use the small counter icons to drag different counters into one of the 4 positions.

List Counter Mode

All 8 counters are shown as a list. The small counter icons can be dragged up or down to change the order. Tap on the counter names to change them. The minus and plus one icons will alter the counters as expected. Long pressing the counter number will copy the counter name and value to the clipboard. To reset the counters, either enter one of the other modes, or click on the settings icon top left.


By clicking on the settings icon at the top left of the screen we enter the settings menu, with some more options:

Reset All Counters - Reset all the counter values to zero.

Edit Counter Names - Edit all the counter names in one place.

Edit Counter Values - For those times you don't want to start counting from zero.

Copy Counter Values to Clipboard - Copies all the counter names and their values to the clipboard so that they can be pasted into another application.

Stay Awake - Stops your device from sleeping whilst the app is running.

Vibrate - Vibrate when counting.

Sound On - Turn sound on or off.

Count Up Sounds - Each of the counters can have one of 5 available sounds for their count button. Use the radio buttons to select which sound for each of the counters.

Counter values, names and other settings are stored when exiting the app, ready for you to continue where you left off next time.